Online Events

Weekly uploads

You can experience the rich life of St David’s even if you can’t attend in person through our recordings of services and events.

Kids Activities

Our weekly activity booklet

Reflection and Prayer

Weekly Prayer
St. David’s Burnside Prayers for the Week

Thought for the week

Who shall stand in the Lord’s holy place?
Those who have clean hands and pure hearts, who do not lift up their hands to what is false.
Psalm 24.3–4

Sermon for 14 June
Sermon for 7 June
Sermon for 30 June
Sermon for 23 June
Sermon for 16 June

Daily Prayer/Thought of the day.
Daily Prayer is found in A Prayer Book for Australia Broughton Books 1995. The Bible reading is from the Revised Common Lectionary readings for morning prayer. but we now recommend you download the Lectio 365 App onto your phone to use as a daily devotional resource that helps you pray the Bible every day and engage with scripture to inspire prayer and shape your life.

Past Sermons & Reflections
Sermon for Trinity Sunday 26 May
Sermon for 19 May
Sermon for 12 May
Sermon for 5 May
Sermon for 28 April
Address for 21 April
Sermon for 14 April